“Elseworlds - Part 3” closed out this year’s Arrowverse crossover event, but didn’t resolve everything. Having had The Book of Destiny returned to his grasp by The Monitor after Kara Zor-El, Oliver Queen and Barry Allen successfully stole it from him, Dr. John Deegan felt inspired to reshape the world once more. This time the mad doctor transformed himself into the all-powerful being he’d intended to become originally, reborn as the Superman of Earth-1.

Deegan further rewrote reality, transforming Green Arrow and The Flash into a duo of bank robbers known as The Trigger Twins. Their allies were similarly changed, becoming criminals or sycophants employed to assist Superman in running a metahuman prison. As for Supergirl, she was imprisoned in the STAR Labs pipeline, with the Earth-1 version of Alex Danvers set up as her guard to further torment the Girl of Steel, as this version of her sister didn’t recognize her.

While Elseworlds ended in a suitably epic fashion, this final chapter did raise a number of issues. Along with some continuity problems and questions about the science involved in the final battle, there are a few Easter Eggs to consider along with some major questions of events to come in the Arrowverse. Here are six questions to consider in the wake of Elseworlds’ conclusion.

7. What About All The Other Times Kara Was On Earth-1?

When Dr. Deegan confronted Kara while he was in the form of her cousin, he told her that The Book Of Destiny had shown him everything there was to know about Oliver Queen and Barry Allen. Yet all he saw of Supergirl and Superman occurred during their battle with Amazo. It was almost, Deegan said, “as if you don’t exist in this world.”

While this is the literal truth regarding Superman and Supergirl on Earth-1, this statement ignores that Kara has been to Earth-1 several times in the past. Kara previously fought alongside Earth-1’s heroes during the Invasion! crossover event. She also came to Earth-1 to attend Barry Allen’s wedding and fought to repel an invasion of Nazis from another world during Crisis on Earth-X. Perhaps Dr. Deegan didn’t read that far back or the Book of Destiny is poorly indexed when it comes to the activities of people from alternate realities?

6. How Does Running Around The Earth Slow Time Down?

As Dr. Deegan attempts to rewrite reality yet again, The Flash suggests that they can buy themselves some more time if he and Supergirl run around the Earth in opposite directions at just over Mach 7, generating enough centrifugal force to slow the Earth’s rotation. While this is a rather nice tribute to Superman: The Movie and the scene where Superman reverses time by spinning the planet backwards, the physics of what Barry suggests are completely nonsensical within the stated limits. While weight does increase with acceleration (per Einstein’s theory of special relativity) Mach 7 is nowhere near fast enough for two human bodies to influence a mass the size of the Earth. While gravity has been shown to alter the flow of time (read up on the “Hafele–Keating experiment” for the details) Kara and Barry can’t come close to generating that level of power at that low a speed.

5. What Was The Hammer Lois Was Wielding?

When the cavalry from Earth-38 arrives, Lois Lane appears along with Brainiac-5 and Martian Manhunter, wielding an exotic looking hammer. While the Fortress of Solitude sports a rather impressive armory of weapons Superman has confiscated over the years, this hammer seemed like something different. Many fans online, who noticed Lois holding the hammer in an Elseworlds promotional poster, joked that Lois Lane had prove herself worthy of wielding Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir.

Actress Elizabeth Tulloch provided an answer on her Twitter account, after asking Supergirl’s co-showrunner Robert Rovner. Apparently, it is the Solar Hammer that is paired with the Cosmic Anvil - two items depicted in Superman’s workshop in All-Star Superman. Reportedly he uses The Solar Hammer and Cosmic Anvil to forge tiny suns to feed the baby Sun-Eater he keeps as a pet. The Solar Hammer is also a mean weapon in the right hands, as Lois Lane proves in the fight with Dr. Deegan.

4. What Bargain Did Oliver Make With The Monitor?

Having learned from Superman’s reading of The Book of Destiny that Supergirl and The Flash are fated to die in the battle with Dr. Deegan, Oliver Queen confronts The Monitor with the only weapon he has - the sheer audacity to think if he yells loud enough he can command a god. Surprisingly it works, because Oliver was the first person to guess that The Monitor was testing the morality of the multiverse’s heroes rather than their strength and Green Arrow was the first person with the gall to tell The Monitor how stupid he was for killing good people purely for the sake of his tests.

Granting that Oliver has a point, The Monitor says that a balance must still be maintained and that to change one destiny requires the change of another. He then asks what change Oliver would suggest. Barry and Kara wind up surviving the battle and Barry guesses later that Oliver did something to save them, though Oliver denies it. Assuming Oliver is being noble and lying (generally a safe bet), what did he offer of himself to save Kara and Barry’s lives?

Page 2 of 2: More Unanswered Questions From Elseworlds

3. How Long Is Superman Retiring?

Upon returning to Earth-38 and Smallville, Clark and Lois reveal to Kara that they are expecting a baby. Kara is overjoyed at the news, though it does mean she’ll have to keep watching over the Earth by herself as Lois and Clark plan to return to Argo City until the baby is delivered. When Kara asks if she should expect to see them again on Earth in nine months, Clark hesitates and says “Little longer than that,” before explaining that the battle with Dr. Deegan made him think about what he could lose. He reassures Kara, however, that he only feels comfortable hanging up his cape is because of her. This begs the question of how long Clark plans to stay retired to focus on his impending fatherhood.

2. Who Is Dr. Deegan’s New Friend?

In the final moments of the episode, Batwoman calls Oliver Queen to ask if he’s sure the just-committed Dr. Deegan won’t be a problem in the future. When Oliver asks why, Batwoman responds that Dr. Deegan has made a new friend in Arkham Asylum. In the final scene, we see the non-responsive Dr. Deegan being spoken to through the bars of his cell by the man in the cell next to him. The man, who wears a golden, featureless mask, assures Dr. Deegan that “… everything is as it should be. The stage is set. Worlds will live. Worlds will die. And the universe will never be the same.”

Fans of the classic DC Comics will recognize “Worlds will lie. Worlds will die” as the tag-line to the mini-series Crisis on Infinite Earths. The masked man is Roger Hayden, aka Psycho-Pirate - a villain whose mask allows him to alter the emotions of others. While strictly a minor-league menace, the Psycho-Pirate is notable as one of the few characters to survive the Crisis who remembered the multiverse as it was before.

1. Does Crisis Doom Arrowverse Heroes?

This is all set up for the reveal that the Arrowverse crossover event for 2019 will be Crisis On Infinite Earths. This is one of the biggest crossover events in DC’s history, one that rewrote the entire multiverse.

Of course this storyline has been hinted at since the first episode of The Flash, where a newspaper from April 25. 2024 said that The Flash would vanish during a crisis. And as anyone who’s read the original comics will attest, things do not end well for Barry Allen or Supergirl. Could Oliver Queen’s bargain have saved his friends today, only to postpone their heroic deaths while bumping up the timetable of the Crisis? It’s a horrifying possibility and one that is sure to fuel fan speculations until the Arrowverse shows return in 2019.

More: When All Arrowverse Shows Return In 2019 (& What To Expect)