Remember when the iPad was but a rumor? And how the rumor-mill was citing unnamed Hollywood executives who used to boast  how an Apple tablet would be awesome for watching movies? Apple, the sources would have us believe, was supposed to let customers subscribe to bulk TV channel in iTunes and enjoy quality TV programming on their tablet. Unfortunately, that wasn’t meant to be. Blame it on the forces that be, which couldn’t come to terms at the negotiating table.

Enter Eye TV Mobile, an iPad 2  dongle from Elgato, the established maker of cool accessories for Apple products. Just pop in this thing into your iPad 2’s 30-pin dock connector and you’re ready to enjoy live television broadcast via an integrated DTT/Freeviewer receiver. Even better, you can record programs using a free companion app, browse an electronic program guide and more.

On the downside, this dongle won’t capture analogue television broadcasts nor will it work in the U.S., it’s basically a digital TV tuner for the European market. The dongle will set you back a hundred Euros/quid. Elgato has yet to announce availability so head over at the Elgato site to check out more details. Engadget’s hands-on video is right below the fold.

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