This facility (East Texas Treatment Multiuse Facility) is used to correct DWI offenders as well as provide other services such as counseling and driving training. This facility is one of the largest DWI correctional facilities in Texas. It accommodates around 1500 male and female DWI convicts. According to the statistics presented by the current research, the number of male DWI offenders is greater than the number of female DWI offenders. Does this imply that men are more likely to perpetuate this type of crime? I’m not qualified to comment on this, but only time will tell.

The East Texas Treatment Multi-Use Facility is a large facility that is well-known for providing excellent services. The federal government does not own this facility. The Management and Training Corporation is a government-licensed private enterprise. All activities in this facility are under the supervision of this corporation. This is a prison, but it differs from other prisons that house offenders who have committed inconceivable crimes such as armed robbery, murder, and predatory offenses, among others. This facility only deals with people who have broken the law by driving or cycling while under the influence of alcohol or other commonly consumed illegal narcotics.

Furthermore, people do not stay in this correctional facility for a long time. According to the legislation, DWI offenders must serve a minimum of six months in a penitentiary facility. Some DWI offenders spend more than 20 months in this facility. This indicates that they were involved in a significant DWI violation. It’s also worth noting that DWI offenders can avoid being sent to the East Texas Treatment Multi-Use Facility if they pay a fine. The fine levied for the offense is not for the poor. DWI offenders who are charged for the first time face a minimum fine of $5000.

Following the completion of the offender’s sentence, the facility continues to closely monitor the individual to ensure that he or she does not repeat the same crime. Officers, known as probation officers, work at the East Texas Treatment Multi-Use Facility to make this feasible.

Does East Texas Treatment Multi-Use Facility allow visitation of inmates?

This facility, like other American prisons and correctional facilities, permits visitors to visit inmates. It is never assured, however, that you will be permitted to see inmates at this facility. Those who want to visit their friends or relatives who are serving their terms in this prison must follow specific rules and procedures. You must provide the relevant information and documentation, such as a copy of your identification card, before being allowed access to this facility. In addition, the visitation of convicts in this facility is restricted to specified days and hours. Visitors are only permitted to see inmates in this facility during working days, Monday to Friday. Because there are so many DWI offenders at this facility, MTC has set a visitation schedule. The visit usually lasts from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Are there other ways of contacting inmates in this facility?

We live in a modern society where we have various options for communicating with or contacting one another. East Texas Treatment Multi-Use Facility isn’t left out of this. This private facility allows visitors to communicate with inmates. The following are some of the ways inmates in this facility can be contacted:

Through phone calls

Inmates at this facility are allowed to use phones to communicate with their families. They do not, however, own these phones. They are given this phone to call their loved ones at particular times. This normally occurs between the hours of dawn and dusk. There is a limited period allowed for phone conversations. Furthermore, this prison provides a common phone number where you can contact and speak with an inmate.

Through sending emails

Inmates at the East Texas Treatment Multi-Use Facility can also connect via letters. Because many emails are sent to the same email address, if you wish to send a message to an inmate in this prison, you must mention their details. is one of the email accounts used to deliver information to inmates at this facility.

Is it permissible for convicts at the East Texas Treatment Multi-Consume Facility to use drugs?

This facility does not allow inmates to use any type of drug. It is penalized by prolonging the duration of confinement for the inmate.


Finally, the East Texas Treatment Multi-Use Facility is a correctional facility where DWI offenders are housed. Both male and female offenders are housed here. It is well-known as one of the most effective facilities for dealing with DWI offenders. In this facility, there are set days and hours for visiting inmates. Furthermore, calling and sending mail to inmates is permitted. The detainees are not allowed to use any drugs throughout their time in this facility.