Using Karen’s Replicator

This back up application is part of Karen’s Power Tools suite (free for personal use) that contains several other handy utilities.  Installing Karen’s Replicator is quick and easy following the installation wizard.

When you first run the application you will need to add a backup job by clicking on Edit Settings.

The Edit Settings screen comes up where you will want to click on the New Job button.

Now go in and set up the new job by selecting the source to backup, the backup location, and other settings for the job.

Explorer will open when you click Browse to set up the destination and source folders for the backup.

You can change and customize the backup schedule to your liking.

If you need any help with any of the categories while setting up a job just click on the Show Tips button to get the details.

After you have set up your backup jobs make sure to click Save Changes and Close.

Now in the main screen you will see the job you created and select to have it run right away.

To make sure all of your jobs run according to their schedule, make sure to minimize the application and not exit out of it.

Another handy feature is being able to review different backup logs.

There are several additional options you can customize to your liking as well.

If you are looking for a free and easy way to perform schedule backups for your data, you might want to check out Karen’s Replicator.  It works with Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and I had no problems with it on Windows 7. This utility is free for personal and non-commercial use.

Download Karen’s Replicator